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Old November 14th, 2010, 16:41   #8
L473ncy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: 11-30-24-1W5
Lol..... There's a saying. There's only 2 sizes in the military too big or too small. In your case I'd try finding something that the military has thats in the "too small" category.

Also why does it have to be plated? Are you planning on putting real plates in there? I've carried a vest with real plates in it and I'll tell you it's not that cool to carry for even 20 feet so I assume it wouldn't be cool to carry it for a few hours. But it's probably a good workout though. Or are you planning on putting "foam plates" into it?

Also +1 for asian sizing and I'm actually surprised you haven't found a place that offers free shipping. I mean at $60 USD for a set of BDU's from China that seems pretty reasonable for me considering shipping, and it also being new (quality on the other hand is a bit meh....).

I'll vouch for AirsoftPark being an awesome place to get stuff (service and support wise, quality wise it's standard china clone stuff (in this case "Singapore clone" stuff)): Obviously from the provided measurements waist size will be a problem (32") but hopefully if you're a 29" waist or so then it's probably fine. In fact when I was "in between" waist sizes when I was younger (I was 29.5" at the time IIRC) I had to buy 32" jeans and just wear a belt.

As for the velcro patch, if you're skilled in sewing at all (or know someone that is) then it's just a matter of getting a nametape locally with the velcro backing. Although you may want to use a "size 16" needle (or possibly a "leather needle") if you're planning on doing this on a vest depending on the material of the vest.

PS: If you're scared of getting hit (which it seems why you want plates and to be as covered as possible) then don't. The BB will lose a lot of velocity from initially hitting the fabric of your BDU's and as such doesn't actually hurt that much. Uncovered areas on the other hand (ie. if you're wearing just a t-shirt or tight fitting polypropylene shirt) will hurt more.
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