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Old November 17th, 2010, 19:19   #11
Twin#1[Op-for]'s Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Langley BC
Originally Posted by Janus View Post

A noob who read the FAQ.

I hope your interest in the sport survives the next two years. In the meantime, why don't you volunteer your time at your local airsoft field as a "combat photographer?" If your brother is willing to take you along, you should take advantage of the opportunity to get some sweet footage and it'll get you involved in the "action" without having to worry about the legalities of you holding a gun.
I was just going to say something along those lines. I play and played before I was of age. The reason, and ONLY reason I believe why they let me, was because I came out to a game, and literally just watched for a few times. I told them I knew i was underage, and just wanted to watch, learn what i could, and get to know some of the guys. From there, they will start to learn more about you, your attitude towards the sport, and your maturity. I won't say this will apply to you, or get you playing early by any means, but it sure helps to get your foot in the door, get to know some of the guys, and show them your mature enough to wait. Good luck
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