Thread: New TM Glock 18
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Old November 30th, 2010, 16:23   #23
Old School Punk
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Location: Edmonton, Alberta
I had a KSC G18C which I sold, in order to buy this Tokyo Marui version.

In my opinion the TM version is a "better" airsoft gun than the KSC one, but not by much.

The KSC seems to be made of a slightly harder plastic, and I believe that it is a hair bigger than that TM gun.

The TM - Glock is way more acurate than the KSC gun though. Also I believe that the TM gun cycles a tiny bit quicker than the the KSC one did.

I also find that the TM magazines feed BBs into the gun far better than the KSC mags. It was very rare to be able to shoot off a whole mag worth of BBs without them getting jammed in the mag at least once or twice with the KSC.

Overall I like the feel and the weight of the TM better than the KSC, but really they are very, very close in terms of overall performance in my opinion.

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