I've handled both but the Mp44. I still have my mp40.
Unless you get the 'Socom' version of the M14, the ACM M14 is actually kind of trashy, the metal is 'very' very brittle, and the thing literally fell apart in my hands.
My mp40, however, is pretty nice, It shoots nice and far, and has a slow rate of fire much akin to the real Mp40.
that and you cant go wrong with stamped steel.
My only beef with the mp40 is that they painted it with some really nasty shit, i'm in the process of refinishing the metal, and nothin will peel the paint off of the steel parts. I'm having them sandblasted in the next couple weeks.
I've heard a lot of good things about the mp44, aside from a faulty hopup and lack of non highcap magazines.
Are you located within Canada? If so, it'd be ideal to get verified, all of the weapons listed above are readily available (The mp44 comes and goes, however.)