First and foremost, you will be AGED-verified to buy any one of these (expect to pay twice the US price)
Secondly, It depends what you are looking for :
The M14 is a DMR (Designated marksman rifle) that will give you a greater range and better accuracy (assuming you don't a lemon and you do the right upgrades) than the other two. The upgrade potentials of the M14 is OK. In case of an AGM, the build quality is not the best...
The MP44 is all-around assault rifle; it uses only high-cap (it is its major flaw), it uses a standard V2 gearbox and hop-up and can easily upgraded. (It is surprisingly heavy).
The MP40 is a CQB gun (due to its short inner barrel) and I personally own one and I absolutely love it (it has a smaller theoretical effective range does not bother me at all since I like to close in to take a shot) - it is hard to upgrade and use a proprietary hop-up mechanism; however, the gearbox can be upgraded using standard V3 parts (only the gearbox shell differs).
Last edited by BoGrain; December 15th, 2010 at 15:01..