Originally Posted by LastSpartan
Also don't forget that if you do WWII milsims, it was made in '44. If you're OP is in '43, well theoretically, you're wrong :P
I say go for the MP40 as a starter guns.
You'll want more than one gun anyway.
well technically the STG44 (AKA MP44) was first produced in november 1942 as the MKb 42(H) - 11833 of them were send to troop on the front-line for field trial in the late 1942/beginning of 1943. Following the field trial, a few changes were made which ultimately leads to the adoption of the final production version which we know today as the Sturmgewehr 44 (Maschinenpistole 43, Maschinenpistole 44 was also used to refer to the weapons). It would therefore be theoretically correct to see an early version of the STG44 on the eastern front in 1943 albeit they were rare.
Beside, just the fact that you made the effort to have a period weapons is more than good enough in my books - historical accuracy is just the icing on the cake.
But if you want to be on the safe side from an historical point of view, the mp40 was used from the start to the end of the war with few variations being made. Personally, I think you should choose the weapon you like first and worry about history later.