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Old December 16th, 2010, 22:43   #45
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Ontario
Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
I have a WE Luger. The gun itself if actually quite well built for the most part. It's your average WE pistol "default" paint job, but it's well done. The plastic grip feels cheap, but looks ok. Otherwise, it looks great. and functions well. The only problem I've ever had with the gun is the front sight broke loose after a lot of shooting. However, it can easily be glued back on with any adhesive that bonds metals.

Otherwise, the gun has always performed flawlessly. and I haven't had any failures. That being said, I don't game the gun. Mine is a plinker but has been shot a lot. It still functions lilke it's supposed to. IMO, the WE is the only real way to go for a gaming Luger. That's the gun.

The magazines, however, are another issue. I've had 2, and both sprung massive leaks repeatedly. Every seal, from fill valves, to main body valves has burst massive leaks. I've managed to temporarily get them working again either with silicone oil or sealing the mag with a gasket sealer, but they always end up failing again somewhere else. Your results may vary. I haven't really looked into the Luger mags in a couple of years, so they may have improved since I got mine.
Thanks Crunchmeister!

Im not too focused on a side arm right now, but I have always liked the look of the WE Luger. Ive read that it can shoot 300 on a warm day- do you think that is true?

Thanks once again for sharing.
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