Thread: KSC or TM?
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Old December 29th, 2010, 15:28   #14
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Originally Posted by teriases View Post
Not sure if KSC parts are compatible in parts but for TM there's tons of aftermarket parts.
Tonnes of stuff out there for the KSC G19:

Metal slides/barrels and recoil springs. PDI makes a piston head for KSC Glocks. There's a few hammer springs out there for KSC as well. There's also the "Rocket Valve" and Hi-Flow valves.

In short no shortage of aftermarket parts for KSC Glocks.

I would really like to do a side by side comparison of the TM and KSC Glocks but like I said I've never dealt with a TM Glock and only have experience with their M92F and Hi-Capa but from what I've seen if they carry over the quality of those pistols to their Glock line then they'll have no problems.
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