Thread: Packs Gallery
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Old January 1st, 2011, 21:10   #3
Perroz Designs
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Toronto, ON
I just got the BFM on Friday from R. Nicholls in Mississauga.

I first had to first contact a Camelbak rep directly.

I was initially looking for BFM 500 in the US desert digital camo pattern, but since the US has dropped that camo Camelbak no longer produces any of their packs in that color.

The Camelbak rep directed me to Mike Copman (, Vice President - Sales & Marketing, Equipment Divisions @ R. Nicholls.

He was really nice and set me up with the pack in Coyote.
They had to order the pack from their Quebec location (which only took a day) to the Mississauga store, which I then picked-up in person.

Give Mike an email, I am sure he will be more than happy to help out with any Camelbak or other pack questions/requests.

Hope that helps

Last edited by MilanWG; January 2nd, 2011 at 11:00..
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