It should do you fine although I would personally recommend something from the AK or AR15/M4 series just because there's more options for external accessories if you're so inclined to "pimp" your gun.
If it's the OEM manufacturer that I'm thinking it is then it's all good and you should have no problems out of the box. That said, I still advise shimming, grease, and setting the motor height properly but those aren't totally necessary to do right away. First two it's advised to get a gundoc to do for you, third you can do yourself with a screwdriver (although I don't know how the motor height is set in the G36 but that's how the M4 does it). Again, if it's the same OEM that manufactured it that I'm thinking of then it's quality has stepped up and you're pretty much good to go.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew