You could wire it to the front, but it's easier to just wire it properly into the stock.
There's LOTS, and I means thousands of guns that are wired the way you want it to be done.
Firstly, you need to know how to solder, and I mean solder PROPERLY lol
Second, you need deans connectors.
Okay so get rid of that tamiya plug, and replace it with a wire that runs straight to the back so you can actually plug and unplug the battery without having to reach all the way in there.
And you want to use a wire with a large number of strands (that means really flexible wire), and probably silicone coated so it's even more flexible.
Then, when you plug the battery in, spin it so it coils the wire inside the stock tube, then when you move the stock around, it moves the wire back and forth like compressing a spring.
I've done 4 or 5 conversions like this, it's really easy to do.