Thread: G&g g2010 max
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Old March 7th, 2011, 18:52   #19
THe_Silencer's Avatar
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Location: Hamilton,ON
Originally Posted by G_unit View Post
The gears are time try not to speculate because your hating, give the guy some useful information not opinions and filler.
Being machined is not a good indication of quality. Machining crap metal gears will not make them strong. My speculation and opinions consist on hands on experience with with several sets of G&G gears which the sector and spur gears strip in low 400ish FPS setup at stock speeds. The gears in their high end guns such as the M14 EBR also strip in normal setups. I can run stock Chinese XYT gears at 400ish FPS @ 30+RPS and they hold up just fine. Their bevel gears are good though, even better than XYTs, I'll give G&G that much. So lemme correct myself:It's a G&G so the Sector and spur gears will probably be as strong as laminated cardboard.

So to paraphrase: Before u give ppl shit for hating your brand, it would be helpful if you gave the OP useful information and not opinions and filler.

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