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Old March 25th, 2011, 15:10   #3
a.k.a. Palucol
Gunny_McSmith's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: MTL
well depends on the type of player too....

- some ppl jsut sit there and spray,
- some just dont move out of the spawn point because they are too exhausted from walking back after being hit
- some ppl like to run around, and sneak being ennemy lines...
- some just charge, get hit, walk back to spawn point, and charge again....

So the ammount of calorie spent in an Airsoft games varies...LOL

BTW: Airsoft could be a nice interval cardio training... if you do it right.. :P

Last edited by Gunny_McSmith; March 25th, 2011 at 15:13..
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