Originally Posted by aBseNtceLL
Could paint the receiver black then just get camo tape and wrap the other parts with it.
Agreed, Tho Tys has given prolly the best advice as far as cost effective and doin the job right, I'd do what i did, just paint the lowwer black, and seein as you got the nasty white stock and top cover and grips id prolly do the cammo tape and or paint them too, if yer kraken is like mine the body is gonna start cracking in alot of spots soon so i wouldnt waste too much time, start saving for a metal lowwer and some wood or black furniture.
good luck enjoy, id say the kraken is good bang for the buck, full wood n metal ak under 500 if ya look around for the parts at a good price, and my gedarbox didnt blow up yet lol lasted longer then my JG m4