For Echo1 M16/M4 and JG M16/M4 besides a set screw in the plastic flash hider there is also a small dia. pin that is staked thru the plastic into the metal outer barrel plus glue. If you try to un-thread the flash hider the pin will bend and pull out of the outer barrel but as you un-screw the flash hider the pin will chew up the threads on the outer barrel. If you do this the threads are still okay enough to screw on a new metal flasher hider but there is just something basically unsound in doing it this way. What I do is use a Dermal tool with a cut off wheel and cut a slot at an angle to the pin and then when you apply a small amount of pressure to un-screw the flash hider it should crack. Once it cracks use a flat blade screw driver in the crack and twist until the flash hider beaks into two pieces and remove it, Clean off the glue from the threads on the outer barrel and bob's your uncle!
For metal flash hiders with a wrench pad and a set screw with glue just remover the set screw and a tight fitting wrench and over power thru the glue. This works on CA Tm VFC King Arms etc. IF you run across some type of glue that won’t let lose then I would recommend a heat gun (but be prepared for the paint to blister)
Many times a day my work includes removing the TM 3 piece type M16/M4 outer barrel and replacing it with a Mad Bull two piece outer barrel. In this case the flash hider needs to be removed to allow the Triangular front sight to be removed and transferred to the new outer barrel. A few times I have run into a set screw in a metal flash hider that was deformed and I just could not get to unscrew. I locked the old outer barrel in a vise and used a 18 inch crescent wrench and forced the flash hider off chewing up the threads on the old outer barrel totally but who cares it is going in the scrap anyway. After I used a ball type rotor file in a dermal tool and ground out the set screw so I could reuse the flash hider. Trying to drill out the set screw will prove problematic unless you have some high grade drill bits that are met to drill thru heat treated steel which the set screw is made of.
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me.