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Old May 16th, 2011, 04:16   #34
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: European Soyuz
Originally Posted by iKliiu View Post
What do you think is the most comfortable / ergonomic rifle? (AEGs and GBBRs)
I think it's just a bad question. When I first grabbed my AK47 my thoughts were something like: "Russia-works perfect, feels awful". After a few games it was the most comfortable gun for me. Then I bought Masada and when I grabbed it, I couldn't understand what is so ergonomic about it, it felt weird in my hands. And after few days it is on the same level of comfort with AK.

So my advice: the only two things you have to worry about are overall length of the gun and length of the magazine (yes, AK sucks at this part, but you can still buy shorter mag). You should just buy what you like the most. I just couldn't be happy with SCAR, cause I think it's one ugly weapon and looking at it the whole game would ruin day.
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