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Old May 17th, 2011, 03:14   #11
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: I live in Grande Prairie Alberta
Originally Posted by yoyit2 View Post
im not really "looking" for a GBB(R) but if there is a good one ill consider it. that being said i am looking for a year round gun. which is going to make GBB(R) difficult

yeah i am completely sold on anything marui dont get me started on my collection lol. ive also had good experiences with G&G so i was curious about their M14. as of now, i will cross the G&G version off my list.

i was looking through available parts for the TM m14 and it does seem to be a sweet platform! im just worried about the initial cost of buying it :S one other thing is that, i have noticed with EVERY Marui AEG i have held, is that they seem really "creaky" and loose. I like my guns to be sturdy and rugged. how is the TM m14 in this aspect?

kjw 10/22 - $400
mags - $27ish landed
Barrel - $50ish landed
externals - already acquired.

TM M14 (Socom) - $800+?
Mags (mid) - $20-$30 landed
Barrel - $70ish landed
Internals - $200+
Lipo - $25ish +

yikes! :S from this aspect, the 10/22 is looking like a viable option!

but before price comes performance! ugh! i wish i could get a direct comparison
If you wanted to invest a bit, you could always go the M16 route and mod it into a MK12 Mod 0... You could likely do that for about the cost of the TM M14 and still come out on top with a really good gun.
"Do not touch anything unnecessarily. Beware of pretty girls in dance halls and parks who may be spies, as well as bicycles, revolvers, uniforms, arms, dead horses, and men lying on roads -- they are not there accidentally."

Soviet infantry manual, issued in the 1930's
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