Thread: WE or KJW
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Old May 20th, 2011, 14:09   #38
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: I live in Grande Prairie Alberta
Originally Posted by Thenooblord View Post
as a few on this board will be quick to point out and flame me for, I am an Avid WE hater, but its not like I haven't given them a chance, so this is completely without bias

I had a KJW M4
It ran amazingly, after thousands of shots there was little to no wear on the internals, the rubber bands break but you can use an actual rubber band, or cut one from a tire inner tube, but the hopup was inconsistent and finicky, sometimes the BBs would rocket downward after 25 feet and the next would go 150 feet perfectly, but the only mechanical issue i had was caused by my own negligence

Ive tried 4 different WE rifles, both open bolt and closed bolt, and have never NOT had issues with any of them, but the only one that I have managed to get shooting well enough to game reliably has been the M4 closed bolt, my scar broke everything and the hopup never worked properly (that's not scar specific though), the M14 broke everything, the trigger and hammer on the G36 wore out a few days after i got it (used) and it would run away full auto, and the hopup nub was HUGE and it would overhop .36s turned completely off, and once I replaced that, occasionally it would spit BBs

my M4 I just traded for a few days back so I don't know how long it will last, I'm not hoping for much based on my previous experiences, but for now it shoots pretty straight and reliably, but it has an upgraded hopup and barrel, and WHEN (not "if") the trigger box internals wear out Ill swap them out to RAtech then I should be fine

If you want a WE AWSS to last forever, buy a full RAtech trigger kit, one of a few hopups if it needs it, and if you have any nozzle jamming/sticking issues in the brass tube (not BB jamming) you may have to pumice down the larger Oring so it will work smoother, mine was over-sized and would start jamming after the first 20-30 shots got it cold and harder

Thanks for the info. I love working on guns so I don't think I will mind fixing everything that breaks.

The RA-Tech internals are something that are on my list, but have not yet been able to find. I see lots of NPAS units around, but not the trigger kits.
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