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Old June 2nd, 2011, 21:04   #816
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Location: Winnipeg
Originally Posted by ssrc30 View Post
Just wondering where I can get an o-ring for my M4 mag...

I filled it for the first time today and found there is a leak by the filler valve, where you put the gas in. I tried adjusting the valve and lubing the o-ring with silicone, but to no avail. Not sure if I was just not waiting long enough for the silicone to take effect, or if the o-ring is shot.

Would I be able to get these at any old hardware store or would I need to buy them straight from an airsoft supply?
If you unscrew the filler valve and remove it from the magazine, you can add blue gasket maker to it, screw it back in, wait a week and you should be good.
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