Reckless, glad we could work most of the kinks out of this yesterday. I haven't seen a WE sold on asc yet that didn't have something broken or mashed on it, go figure.
For everyone in asc-land. Just curious if the nozzle on the m4/hk416/pdw and scar are the same. Reckless and I installed an npas from my pdw on his hk416 (just the nozzle, not the shaft or anything else, those were obviously different). They look to be the exact same (except for the npas part) but the gun had very slow fps when fired. Was wondering if it's that the npas is just set low, wouldn't know as I've never really used it myself. Or if the PDW nozzle is somehow different and incompatible. Can probably figure this out on my own, but thought I'd ask here while I'm looking
Also anyone know where to get replacement springs that go on the nozzle on a pdw open bolt. After gaming I noticed that it was screwed up, it's actually shorter now so it still works flawlessly, but I'd still like to replace it in the near future
Thanks in advance
Originally Posted by Reckless
I only ask cause I just came into possession of an HK416 ... and I'm going VN mag route .. which means changing over to closed bolt tops (I happen to have a friend that just did a swap over to open bolt on all his mags, so he's got a bunch laying around if I want em) ... but as we all know the closed hop up blows goats ... I've done the trim mod to the rubber, will see how much of a difference that makes this weekend hopefully ...
kinda thinking just go for it with an open bolt kit ... less BS with having to switch over 10 or so mags...etc...