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Old July 22nd, 2011, 00:39   #113
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Edmonton Alberta
Hello Gents.

I have the 1st generation ASCU and it works like a dream.

I have now installed the 2nd generation ASCU and am having an issue on semi auto.

The gun will cycle once or twice before stopping and seems to seize up. But once I put it into 3 round or FA, it works fine?! Once I have fired it on 3 round bursts or FA, I can again cycle the gun in semi once or twice before it seems to get confused.. If i keep pushing the trigger enough times it will do a full cycle.


I figure its not the battery or motor as it shoots perfectly on 3 round and FA.

Is it the cutoff lever or selector plate? or is it something else? Has anyone else had a similar situation?
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