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Old August 4th, 2011, 13:14   #1201
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: North Carolina
Now I am even more confused and ticked off. I got in a new gun to build on and it is doing the same thing. This time it shoots strong and weak the entire magazine. It may shoot 10 times strong 5 times weak. May shoot first three weak then stron, it has no specific pattern other than some shots are normal and some are weak.

Here is the parts list:

TM Frame and internals sear, hammer,knocker, etc..
Airsoft Suregon Slide, barrel; and comp
SD STI Grip, trigger

Not sure else what to list.

I have oiled the valves on the magazines amd tried 6 different mags with the same results. I tried the same magazines on a known good gun and they worked fine. So I pretty much can rule out the mags.

The hammer spring seems pretty strong to me. It does not seem weaker since it was working correctly. I even traded it out for a stronger one with the same results.

With the new build a new BBU was installed so I know that is not it either.

Thanks for the help Brian!!
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