M249 TRacer Box Mag
So I wanted to have the ability to run my 249 with tracers and all the options I had were $80-$150 and looked like Silencers.
What LMG do you see with a Silencer? Not very many and as I wanted to keep mine at the Para length that was out of the question so I began to ponder on how I could illuminate my box mag to then in turn illuminate the BBS.
Then when walking through Wally World(walmart) i found some 4inch long white LED strips(2 per pack) that run off 12 watch Batteries or can be wired for 12v(i went with using the Batteries)
What I did to Install them
Removed the whole inner part of my mag and lined both sides of the feed path with the light strips ran all the wiring under the guts of the mag internals.
Drilled a hole in the side of my Box mag Shell for a switch
Installed the switch and wired everything back up.
Reinstalled the internals and shaaaabam a box mag with 120lums of power to illuminate the BBS as they are sitting in the Mag.
Pics to come as I am doing this mod again for another Mag and will actually take pics as i Go.
What you need to make this
Switch($3.50 at Princess auto)
Light Strips($20.00 at wall mart)
Drill bit the size of the switch hole needing to be Drilled
Soldering iron
about 45 Min.
PM or post here if you have any questions.
Originally Posted by DBspotter
A number of camo players just walked around with guns on their backs or hanging down with no kill indicators on them and expected players to know they are dead. I'm assuming most of these players drive BMW's and refuse to use the indicators because they know where they are going.