Originally Posted by Fuzzy
I had the bolt locking back problem when I installed a replacement bolt catch on my CQBR open bolt. When I compared to the original I noticed that the flat part that contacts the mag had been grinded down on the original. After demelling the new bolt catch it now functions normally. I also had to dremel the elbow/shoulder part of the bolt catch to round it out a bit but that may not apply to the pdw.
Was this the only way to fix the issue? I don't want to have to modify my gun just because I'm unsure if it is my gun or the magazine. Gun is working perfectly already with PDW Magazines so I don't want to risk it.
Magazines are much easier and cheaper to replace while Gun... not so cheap and easy.
I've tried to modify the Magazine instead by sanding down the area where the dry fire switch is but still not working right.
I appreciate the reply

Thanks a bunch