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Old June 3rd, 2005, 20:17   #1
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: British Columbia
M9 test numbers......

I recently came across this about a week ago. I did the glue stick or spring block mod. I didnt have a chronie at the time when I first did the mod... but it hurt like a s.o.b. from about 25ft. :nod:

Anys got a chronie and here at the numbers from a KJworks M92
These are the highest numbers achieved with different size of blocks using propane with an outside temp of 20c

Stock 290-295fps
1/2" 300-310

3/4" 320-330 the last shot from a 25rnd mag was from 280 to 300

1" 300-390 VERY inconsistant fastest shot recorded was 389, and the numbers were all over the place was not very impressed with these numbers at all.

I am also going to be experimenting with sealing the cylinder to mag rubber better to try to get most of the gas to go down the barrel...... anybody have any ideas???? I am goign to try to build up the cylinder or mag rubber with electrical tape....
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