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Old September 28th, 2011, 00:21   #21
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Richmond, BC
I've had mine as long as CTAC has had his - I guess that was early July or something like that. We both had better results after teflon taping the hop up rubber/inner barrel assembly with 1-3 wraps to create a better air seal.

My nozzle spring unhooked itself and crushed itself to pieces 1-1.5 months ago. Been running it without a nozzle spring and it works fine, minus the time when the crushed nozzle spring was still in my BCG. Any ideas on what I can use to replace mine with?

My nozzle/piston head o-ring tore a chunk out of itself when my nozzle spring went. Not too bad in terms of blowback, but I do notice I get a little more wasted gas spraying out when it cycles. No biggie, IMO.

I found WE hop up rubber < TM hop up rubber < Falcon double point green rubber. Still not quite up to what I wanted from it, going to be trying both PDI-Raven and RA Tech 6.01 barrels at some point or another. Not happy with the stock brass barrel. But, uh, any ideas what hop up rubber will work best?

Tried using a G&P plastic buffer, worked good till it beat its way into my buffer tube spacer and my BCG was getting locked up all the way to the rear in my buffer tube. Will get a KA or G&P buffer tube spacer kit to further test this, however I did notice slightly less perceived recoil, tiny bit higher ROF, and much less drain on the gas system.

Found that my RA-Tech NPAS when adjusted to sub-380 fps in a M4A1 length barrel tended to inhibit the cycling of the BCG to the point of it not quite properly chambering a BB reliably.

Haven't screwed around too much with trigger group, just put in TSC ambi safety set as I have just gotten too used to that. Not quite as crisp/precise in terms of fire selecting as the stock WE one. Sometimes have semi being a burst of auto till I release a tiny bit of pressure on the selector. I do find that the open bolt kit's trigger group to work way better. Hammer at least hasn't beaten itself to a pulp yet. Seems to work more reliably too, even with sear or whatever being worn down - can put selector on safe even with hammer not cocked... gah, kinda annoyed at people touching my GBBR and treating it like an AEG.

Oh, and WE mags suck. They dry out/blow out seals way too fast. Sometimes even when they're kept gassed with low pressure, they end up leaking in my gear bag. Kinda sucks, but oh well, they're cheap.
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