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Old October 31st, 2011, 02:11   #253
ASC's Whiny Bitch
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Location: North York, Ontario
Originally Posted by R1ghty View Post
Dude... Spend $20 and buy some mag rubbers. That Red Green shit has gotta go.
Tape is soo much cheaper. Besides, I've seen Kill game, his tape works better than most "mag rubbers". They also have the benefit of not causing fitment issues as tthe tape pushes down and can be folded. While the colour of the tape he uses bothers me, that's my only complaint.

I personally went a bit fancier, I cut some strips of paracord, put them on my magazine in the position I wanted and then electrical taped around the magazine to hold them into place.

If you want to waste $20 on peices of junk, be my guest, but theres a reason alot of people (Actual military people, not talking about airsofters in particular) still use the tape or tape W/ Paracord method that gave birth to your "mag rubbers", 5 magazines cost me less than a dollar, if I even have to buy the materials, to do, I RARELY if ever replace them, and they work just as well if not better.

Also, Permal, welcome to the world of better gear :P

Originally Posted by MrEvolution View Post
What is with the 'new wave' of super small chest rigs these days?
I'm wondering this myself as there's not too much room on them. In my opinion, it limits some of the advantage of modular systems by removing "real estate"

Gonna try get a pic of my stuff up today, but I switch between a CIRAS (Set up for whatever I need), Some Israeli Defence Force vest I have, Webbing, Chicom and CF Tac vest.

Though the CF tac vest is a peice of shit and I only really bring it out to ensure it's adjusted properly before going out to the field with it. Airsoft gives me the advantage of stopping to adjust it. Once I know it's adjusted I usually throw it back in the car and use one of my other rigs :P
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Last edited by Gato; October 31st, 2011 at 02:20..
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