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Old November 7th, 2011, 20:22   #1
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Hamilton
Exclamation KJW M4 fire selector.

I've very recently (I've fired about 3 mags) purchased a kjw m4 and the other night I accidentally popped out the fire selector itself but got it back together with what seemed like no real problems. The gun fired in semi and full auto perfectly. Tonight, while installing a new pistol grip a similar thing happened and this time I saw a bit of wire (part 72) showing in the fire selector hole. I ended up pushing out the pin that holds in the group in an attempt to fix the problem, but only made it worse. The real issue is I have no idea how to put this son of a bitch back together.


How do I put a KJW m4 fire selector group back together?

PS: I will add pics tomorrow.
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