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Old November 9th, 2011, 12:12   #4
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Go to a RC hobby shop and ask. Those guys generally know a lot more about batteries than most airsofters will.

Also generally LiFePO4 is supposed to be "easier" on internals than LiPo and relatively "safer" but if you abuse them they'll still explode in your face in a miraculous fashion.

It's an interesting chemistry and I honestly would like to try it in my gun but I think I'd rather see how a 6.6V LFP does before going to 9.9V LFP. Although I think there are some people here that actually do use 9.9V LFP's in their guns, I don't remember who but I do remember them posting about it when I was asking around a while back.

Also I'm a bit different in that I actually want to try using TRX, EC3, or XT-60 connectors on my guns over the standard deans (yeah, if you do it right the solder joint between the deans and wire generally won't shear off but TRX and XT-60 have some interesting properties that I want to try and experiment with).
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