Originally Posted by kullwarrior
FYI, I shot the real 5-7, like airsoft my grouping with that was crap because the length of the grip is too long thus my finger was not 100% on the trigger...this is coming from someone with size large hands
5-7 uses a high kick system, it kicks really hard for a 134a gas gun. Using propane you will destroy the hop-up chamber assembly.
Sadly there's no third party support for that.
Hate to pull this I'll get flamed, avoid TM if you want an OOTB running Propane. The "I have been running P226 on propane for six years" does not apply to every single TM gun notably Glock and 5-7
The people who tend to destroy plastic TM guns live in the Phillipines and lower United States, and other hot places, or they're running them hard at IPSC events. When the max temperature at an outdoor game is like 30 celcius the propane isn't heated to the degree that it's dangerously expanding. Obviously there are exceptions to the rule, but as a whole Canadian players expect, and receive, long operating lives from their stock TM gbbs.
Not for glory, nor riches, nor honours, but for freedom alone, which no good man gives up except with his life.