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Old December 2nd, 2011, 12:12   #50
p.phresh's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Winnipeg, MB
my suggestion...

stick to the guns that you can readily find parts for, and for cheap. KSC Glocks are becoming old and obsolete, so stores aren't restocking parts for them. They are mainly focused on TM parts, for the Glocks and the Hi-Capas/1911s. And since there's a large aftermarket support, prices are cheaper cause of supply and demand.

You really ought to consider a TM. You can run it on propane until the slide breaks and then replace the slide and internals as they begin to fail. TMs are a reliable gun, and they do make a quality product. Paying the extra $50 or $60 will be worth it.

If you're still not sold on a TM, then the next best thing would be to look at the KJW guns. Consider the 1911 and variants, then the Glock and M9, and in that order, because availability for parts are in that order. The 1911s are pretty much TM clones and can accept parts for TM guns.

You want a nice looking, reliable gun with lots of aftermarket support? Get a TM.
You want a workhorse, and may not need upgrading? Get a KJW.
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