At that breaking point! ready to smash something or chuck a plate! we've all been there
Recently took apart a standard g&g mechbox to put in some aftermarket upgrades.
The trigger assembly ended up popping out which is an area i haven't had to mess with. There is a spring that kinda wraps around the actual trigger and rests on the mechbox itself.
The mechbox is continually seizing now after firing a few rounds and the trigger keeps popping off as soon as i open the mechbox. Im guess the spring is "popping" while inside and causing some kind of jam
Really this spring can only go on one particular way..
Do I need this spring? Would the mechbox operate without it? - It seems to - and the trigger already operates with the upper trigger spring close to the tappet plate
Edit: I've also blown the only fuse I had as a result - Can I just get these from canadian tire? any particular type to look for? - the one I have is really tiny