Thread: 3 Shot Burst
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Old January 4th, 2012, 13:31   #1
Old School Punk
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Location: Edmonton, Alberta
3 Shot Burst

Hey Guys, I am sure that this has been discussed to death somwhere around here, but I did a couple searches and could find anything obvious, so I thought that I would post this question here anyway.

Is there a device that would allow a normal AEG to shoot a 3 shot burst when you pull the trigger once?

I have a JG - MP5 that I would like to convert from "single shot" to "3 shots" on single shot mode, and then still have a full auto mode when the shot mode selector is moved to the full auto mode.

Please let me know if there is a device that can easily make this happen, and if there is, where can I get one.

Thanks in advance for reading and responding to my question.

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