so heres a question for you gents. i was having trouble with my selector switch today, and decided since i was busting out my tools. i would fix the incorrectly installed auto sear. when i bought the gun i noticed a flat plate (part 56, the auto sear) behind the hammer was horizontal with the barrel instead of vertical like all the pictures ive seen. i never bothered before because the gun fired both in full auto and semi.
cut to a few problems later, i have part 56,and 57 out, so i try the function as is, since it worked before with it improperly installed before. slap in a mag and bam, full auto fine, semi fine. so my question really is what purpose do those two parts serve? i cant seem to figure it out.
fire selector is still not working tho, seems as if the pin is pushing to much into the switch. i dont know what changed since the only thing i did was add a drop of oil.
Burnaby / Vancouver area Age verifier
