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Old January 17th, 2012, 22:43   #16
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Brooks Alberta Canada
so from the posts here i have a solution to alot of peoples problems.


when you make big orders you save on shipping. the shipping from evike is internation and thus more expensive. so get a big order from you and your friends. its the same deal as if you order a 5$ spring from a store in canada and only expect 1$ shipping. thats still over 20% of your money going to shipping. if you and your friends get a 700$ order and its 70$ shipping you just dropped 10% in shipping.

yes you may get the wrong item once in a while but when your dealing with one of thee biggest airsoft dealers in north america its almost expected. it may happen more often then it should but it may have a reason for this. as evike is not a member of our forums *as far as i know* we have to talk about them from our experiences and not from a high ranking member of their business
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