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Old January 19th, 2012, 11:03   #25
Join Date: Jan 2012
Originally Posted by Lorica View Post
we've done 7 orders this year. 5 no troubles from the evike end, although 2 were seized at the border. 2 were very slow in communications with them, especially on one which had an item backordered, that they were going to replace, but then couldn't but then could etc etc. Shipping is HORRIBLE, shop in canada, prices are close when you add in high shipping and any upgrades you need done to get it to try to pass customs

well the only reason i would wanna order from evike is getting the more specific (or possibly rare) stuff i cant seem to find in canada.

ive emailed a few places in canada about these parts and have not gotten an answer of they cant get it.....

And to be fair about this as well i would rather order in canada for 1. supporting canadian retailers in the sport. 2. garunteed to not get grabbed by customs.

But like said the problem is finding these parts, evike has a lot of them, but from what i have read it either comes at a hefty price or no priduct at all due to lack of shipping(not the shipping prices, reliability) or the cbsa.

you guys have been helpful though, the feedback is hugely appreciated. Great community on here
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