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Old February 8th, 2012, 18:20   #12
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Hamilton On.
i just baught it and will be going out with it this wknd in a large game but will by the summer have the upgrade kit in it but as for right now i love it i got a 3-9 scope on it and no upgrades to it yet ( other than adding some padding and adding an inch to the stock to make it easier to cock lol i got long a** arms) the range on it is awesome as im outshooting in both accuracy and range my G&G M4 and it shoots at about 480 with .20 and im usually shooting .30 or a bit heavier and the rang is the same with better accuracy and the fps goes to about 420 to 430 so with the upgrade kit i expect to kick some a** with it

im still trying to find a place in canada to order the upgrade kit but i may need to get it from Airsoft GI
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