*sigh* okay, okay, fine, fine: I admit, i'm a little flustered about all kinds of stuff happening around me and I appologise for being a dick, but it's really hard to keep all your cool when everything outside of my bedroom is a technological nightmare dealing with dropped router signals constantly, iAnnoy 3G and iOS 4.2 constant bricking, other iAnnoy 3.0 finally bricked and had to be erased while technologically issued mother freaks out about forgetting to backup her stuff with a computer that derps iTunes like there's no tomorrow, struggles with trying to get car rides arranged 3 time more franticly than usual, no money to upgrade any hardware around the house, and a good friend's funeral coming up in 3 days. Can we PLEASE get back on topic here and stop harassing me?

Originally Posted by Thenooblord
good ol red62, I shot him more than all of Eco I bet, LOL
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