Originally Posted by voorhees -FWA-
600PSI FTW!!! Nah, kidding, as M102404 said try to aim lower than you would when you're actually firing at someone. Most of these shells, ran on propane, are low FPS and are great in CQC for clearing rooms. For the most part, be respectful of your fellow players, if you think it's not a good idea to fire, it's probably not.
Actually, 600 fps is our upper limit for CQB. MED's are respected though and chances are if a 40 is going to be too hot for a kill, use your other trigger finger and shoot the guy with your gun. Propane sucks and stinks in CQB. Plus they make your grenades stink.
When clearing a room, aim low (eg. down at people's knees or the floor) or ricochet off the walls. If people want to continue not calling a hit when a grenade of any sort ricochets then they can ask me to shoot them at 5 paces with direct fire to see how they really feel.