Originally Posted by annesmith12329
The VFC AK-105 features a stamped steel receiver and a one-piece outer barrel to make it sturdy, a good 330 fps out of the box and a working bolt carrier for realism when you shoot. We take a look at the Systema PTW M733 MAX, a limited edition gun. This review covers all you may need to know about this gun (and more!) with detailed comments on how the gun operates and performs.
Nice try you spamming motherf#&@er.
But, in case anyone needs to know, the M733 was Gen 3 electronics with an early 490 motor. Not the best combo, and I would be surprised if any of them still have Gen 3 electronics. There were only 2 that came into Canada from what I remember, and one of them had a cracked lower from shipping damage, so really the the only identifying feature left on that gun is the 11.5" barrel.