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Old March 28th, 2012, 17:31   #43
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Location: Toronto
Originally Posted by Taxt View Post
Resurrecting this topic.

I narrowed my choice down to this and KWA SR10 2GX.
At least two Canadian retailers have this in stock right now. KWA on the other hand is hard to find and I would probably have to bring one from States.

Any opinions? How reliable they proved so far?

And I'm still running under an assumption that this is VFC's E-series. But if compared to the pictures on VFC website, it look's exactly like Colt M4 RIS (STD) which I understand is D-Series.
Could be wrong here though.

UPDATE: Just called Mach1. This is 100% D series.
Tough choice. KWA 2GX is easily available in Canada (some retailers, classifieds), BUT uses some proprietary bits (nozzle, hopup IIRC). Whereas VFC is all 100% TM-compatible v2 parts.

So, VFC may be marginally easier to get spare parts for (from any shop here in Canada).

Personally... I'd go with the VFC. Or as of late, King Arms :P
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