Ho, boy me and Kalashnikov rifles go way back....
My First Ak
Later took the stock off and rewired to top
Changed mind and went back to Classic full stock configuration
Broke stock tang at a game, managed to acquire my first metal receiver. Quasi AKM kyberpass rifle lookalike.
End result
Got creative and bought a Kingarm galil folding stock, Decided to put the galil front end on another AK I acquired.
Broke the Folding stock later on, but managed to acquire a stock tang with a missing arm. Also acquired a plastic receiver AKS-47 ( later traded to Cooney for a metal receiver which promptly cracked, starting really hating pot-metal for that point on)

^ That's right folks for the price of one M-16 you can get 2 AK-47s
Had a little revolution
Built a bayonet for Shits and giggles
Peoples liberation army acquires all Steel Type 56 assault rifle.
Manage to source a RPK front end on the cheap, Old Kraken is reborn as my RPK.

^ Mines longer :P
Bought a AK-103 with broken receiver as a temp gun for OP Rino. None of my Other guns had soviet side mounts to use with my NSPU-1PN34. Later scraped for parts when the receiver cracked further and the Weight of the scope pulled the screws right out of the receiver.
Refinished my RPK's wood furniture, added the Soviet optic rail from the AK-104 with the help of some PL construction glue. Rail is solid enough to use the scope as a carry handle. PL is some crazy shit glue....
After playing around with Cooneys AKS-74u and my AK-104 I decided I want a short carbine that takes AK mags, and went and bought a SRC AKMSU. Not liking I look I decided to do some creative moding.
(*I give credit to ancorp for his iraqi survival rifle as a inspiration)
And a AKS-47u was born.)
Currently the AKS-47u has plastic wood furniture and a AKMS folding stock, due to a unfortunate accident at CQB outdoor with some ice. Also added is a gas booster from the AK-103 that is not pictured)
Future thoughts hmmm, AKM, AKMS rifle, Type 56-2 and maybe a Type 56-1.