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Old June 9th, 2012, 09:35   #21
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Originally Posted by bojangaler View Post
My target demo was not the hardcore airsoft users but is intended for zombie fans who want to immerse themselves in a fictional fantasy setting. I just came here to ask questions and sort out the relative things that I need to accomplish because airsoft equipment will be used as weapons. So I assumed the laws and regulations would be related to this event. I'd like to give a shout out to all the zombie fans on this forum also! Although I'm relatively new to the airsoft scene, I'll definitely fall in love with it as I work more closely with them
Your target is not us than. You won't find many willing to rent you cheap crappy guns. And I don't think you have looked into the cost of supplying rentals.
You talk to us like your the first person to look into this.
I fully explored the ideas through Winnipeg and went to the by-law departments and insurance. It was not a feesible option without 50k to drop up front.
Let's not forget how much you'd need to invest in advertising jsut to get word out. Seeing as how you provide the weapons. You have pretty much pushed ALL ASC members away from coming. So if that's your plan, I'd get that idea out of your head.
As for
people walking out of the premise with AEG would not be possible as they would not be allowed to bring their own weapons to the event
Your not understanding the concept of the law... You'll be runing a business. Not a secret underground club. Gun laws don't say crap about transporting the rifle from your car to a building or vise versa. The laws are based on discharging a firearm within city limits. In a building of your own or not.

Too clarify, in most city's people firing airsoft rifles in their basement for practice etc. Are actually breaking firearm laws. It's just not something you can enforce.

If our serious. I would stop looking for anything until you have spoken with by-law officers to find out how hard this is too get permission for. And what they will charge you for a license (trust me, it won't be free).

Good Luck
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