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Old June 12th, 2012, 20:04   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Falkenberg, Sweden
CANSOFCOM Gear questions.

Hello everybody from Sweden!
We are a team that is sort of semi working on a CANSOFCOM impression type gear. And we are atm getting pretty good at getting into arguments about... the vests, most likely not very supprising.
I have searched and looked around the web for confirmed answered, but eh.. either I'm more blind the usual, or I just cant find it.
So... to my question. I have seen pictures of supposedly CANSOFCOM operatives in both RRVs (only in CB/Tan tho) and in RAV/CIRA's (Only in what looks like RG tho) vests. Can anyone please confirm or deny if these would suit for a impression?
I know we most likely should use the CF vest, but eh... they cost me an leg and an arm to get a hold of over here :S
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