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Old July 16th, 2012, 16:44   #1
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Weird M16 compression problems

I have a King Arms Blackwater M16 (sniper configuration) rifle, that has been returned to my store, and it is not firing properly. Internally, the gun shoots fine, without bb's, everything cycles properly, with not real sounds of any strain. I have verified the gun internally, all teeth on the gears are fine, piston fine, trigger contacts, motor height...etc

The problem happens when I load the gun. It will shoot one round and then it will not fire, and make a sound as if the piston is really forcing to get the bb's out. It will not fire out any rounds after the first one, then anywhere between 2-10 shots later another round will fire. Loading nozzle is not damaged and it loads the BB's in no problem, or it would seem to load them in. I have tried both Armist BBs and BBBastards.

I have this problem with the mag it came with (short m16 hi-cap, king arms) classic army hi-cap, and a magpul masada 80 round p-mag.

The Cylinder is not ported, so any clues as to what might be doing this problem? I dont know if it comes with a tightbore barrel, it is just the stock barrel with the gun(sold less than a week ago). The gun is shooting at around 390 fps.

Thank you for any help!
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