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Old July 26th, 2012, 19:28   #6
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Originally Posted by Silverthorn View Post
Thanks for the quick answer ShelledPants but I have no idea where the front receiver pin is located. Total newb with M4 (I never even fired one!).

Based on the pics on the ehobbyasia website, where should I look for it?
It's the large pin in the front where it looks like it should "pivot". There's only two of them and you can't miss them. They're two large pins that look like this: This is the rear pin DO NOT REMOVE THE REAR PIN (it's unnecessary work). All you need to do is remove the front pin to separate the upper from the lower.

Also DO NOT pull the charging handle too hard, I've borked a charging handle spring by pulling too hard..... After that remove the hop up assy (hop up, with bucking inside, and the barrel).

It will look like the following picture except really short barrel.

As for upgrades, all you really need is a Guarder Clear (I assume this is a CQB setup?) if not then go Guarder Black for 370+ FPS setups. Either that or Prommy purple, or SystemA, or whatever. I personally run a SystemA in my G&P M4. Also, the stock G&P barrels are alright so I wouldn't change that out unless you wanted to cover the extra length of a new inner barrel with a silencer I don't think they make such short inner barrels (The lowest I've seen readily available is 200mm).

Also there's this Guarder 6.04 141mm barrel which IMO is pretty good. I personally run a 363mm Guarder 6.02.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew

Last edited by L473ncy; July 26th, 2012 at 19:34..
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