On a similar note, I woke up at around 5:30am at this year's Rhino shocked to see a number of American forces asleep on the ground, in just their bdu's, shivering. (It was cold and dewy... not to mention if your cottony bdus were wet with sweat from hours prior).
Instead of trying to stay awake the entire 24 hours, how about some discussion on preparedness -- you don't necessary even need a tent, just a sleeping bag, maybe a bivy, tarp and some bug netting depending on the time of year and the weather conditions. Stow it all in the 3-day pack you left in your base/spawn and you're good for whatever the day (night) throws at you.
I dunno what happened, after I hit 30 I can't stay awake for shit anymore. :P
H-61 "Acta non verba"
They see us rollin, they hatin...