The CED works really sure to get the airsoft one since it's calibrated for softer sounds (vs. real gunfire).
You'll want functions such as:
- 3sec-5sec-random within 5sec countdown (Beep/timer goes off some time after you push the go button)
- string/split time (time from the first shot to the last shot)
- 1st shot time
- 1-2-3-etc sec finish beep (so you can practice stuff like drawing and placing 2 shots before the 2 sec beep goes off...etc...)
Good predictable operation...loud Beep...accurate timer. We use that one on occasion for CAPS...but I think Phil has permanently borrowed it. It would pick up slide racking on occasion as a shot if the peanut gallery weren't quiet during someones run.
The IPhone/Android apps are so-so ok. Some work ok...some are flaky. Last I saw they did not handle ambient noise very well. Worth a try though. Search for IPSC and IPDA should find them.