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Old September 11th, 2012, 16:46   #8
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Argentina cold?...

propane suffers significant loss of pressure under 10 degrees c

basically it does not work in the cold..

if getting 10 shots out of a 30 round mag before the it vents is "working fine" .. then I guess I have higher standards
Argentina gets easily under 10 ºC in the Winter during the morning and night time (closer to 0-5ºC). My SCAR mags have been pretty much frozen outside and working fine. By work fine I mean normally, no difference at all.

I've gamed GBB's for a while. Where are you getting this info? Is the gun in fact failing for ya?

What gun are you running? If it's a crappy gun/crappy mag, it's gonna fail, hot or cold, just a bit more in the cold.

We all remember this one, right? WE G39C Performance in The Cold and Snow - YouTube And that's a buried mag and gun, if you keep the mags inside your vest, or whatever, and don't go crazy on the full auto, there's no reason why you shouldn't get that performance.


Last edited by Fox62; September 11th, 2012 at 16:55..
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