Originally Posted by Deltastone
Some guns work just fine with propane in the winter. They are in the absolutely distinct minority of exceptional exceptions. However the vast majority do not function or function well. I have a personal collection myself that is starting to get close to the picture Tyson posted and propane does them no good in the winter.
It's not really something you can debate. It's physics. Propane pressure drops by quite a huge amount when it gets cold. Most guns don't work. It's much in the same way I use duster in the blasting heat because the temperature is too high for propane creating warp speed BB's and a kick back that replicates real steel, but duster becomes a great substitute and keeps my guns from exploding and my airsofting safe.
I'll be trying the propylene at Shallow Lake this weekend. I'll report back with my findings.
I know, it depends a lot on gun and mags as I said earlier. But I'm just not convinced about heat and cold affecting FPS of the gun that much. We have temperatures as high as 40ºC in the summer, and as low a -5ºC in the winter. I haven't chronoed in those extremes, but I've chronoed in 35ºC, and say, 5ºC, and the FPS have been very similar (they did vary a bit, but not dramatically). Maybe it depends on the system as well? My main gun is a precision gun, so I've done extensive testing, but the other GBB's are all "grunt" guns.
To the OP, I've tried Propylene and I've hated it. If you can avoid it, do. If you find that your gun runs well on it on winter and is just not gameable on propane, well, you don't got much of an option.